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Accessories 水族器材
Accessories 水族器材
The distribution of accessories complements the ornamental fish operations by providing a “one-stop” shop to meet customers’ aquarium needs. The Group distributes more than 3,000 types of aquarium and pet accessories for more than 30 major manufacturers and principals to retailers in mainly Asia and Singapore, including supermarkets operated by NTUC FairPrice and Cold Storage. The export of aquarium and pet accessories has seen a healthy momentum of growth. Currently, the Group exports its accessories products to approximately 40 countries around the world.
分销配件能辅助观赏鱼业务,通过提供“一站式”服务,全面满足顾客在水族用品方面的需求。本集团经营的3000多种水族与宠物配件,是来自超过30家主要制造商和厂家,它们主要是分销给亚洲各地及新加坡的零售商,包括职总平价超市及Cold Storage。水族与宠物配件的出口,已经呈现稳健的增长势头。目前,本集团将配件产品出口到全球约40个国家。
Over the years, the Group has developed its proprietary brands of aquarium and pet accessories under the name “Ocean Free”, “OF”, “Classica”, “Aqua Zonic”, “Delikate”, “BARK” and “Aristo-cats YI HU”.
这些年来,本集团已陆续开发一系列的水族与宠物配件品牌,响亮名堂包括“Ocean Free”、“OF”、“Classica(卡士佳)”、“Aqua Zonic(艾柯)”、“Delikate(得益)”、“BARK(寶得)”及“Aristo-cats YI HU”(愛麗思)等。
In addition, since 2004, Qian Hu started penetrating the retail market with a chain store concept, “Qian Hu -- The Pet Family”, which it intends to professionalise a highly fragmented market to mass market a niche industry. As at 31 December 2012, it has 10 retail chain stores in China, Malaysia and Thailand. All the chain stores sell both ornamental fish and related aquarium & pet accessories while some stores also provide pet grooming activities.
Find out more about our accessories at - www.yihufish.com

分销配件能辅助观赏鱼业务,通过提供“一站式”服务,全面满足顾客在水族用品方面的需求。本集团经营的3000多种水族与宠物配件,是来自超过30家主要制造商和厂家,它们主要是分销给亚洲各地及新加坡的零售商,包括职总平价超市及Cold Storage。水族与宠物配件的出口,已经呈现稳健的增长势头。目前,本集团将配件产品出口到全球约40个国家。
Over the years, the Group has developed its proprietary brands of aquarium and pet accessories under the name “Ocean Free”, “OF”, “Classica”, “Aqua Zonic”, “Delikate”, “BARK” and “Aristo-cats YI HU”.
这些年来,本集团已陆续开发一系列的水族与宠物配件品牌,响亮名堂包括“Ocean Free”、“OF”、“Classica(卡士佳)”、“Aqua Zonic(艾柯)”、“Delikate(得益)”、“BARK(寶得)”及“Aristo-cats YI HU”(愛麗思)等。
In addition, since 2004, Qian Hu started penetrating the retail market with a chain store concept, “Qian Hu -- The Pet Family”, which it intends to professionalise a highly fragmented market to mass market a niche industry. As at 31 December 2012, it has 10 retail chain stores in China, Malaysia and Thailand. All the chain stores sell both ornamental fish and related aquarium & pet accessories while some stores also provide pet grooming activities.
Find out more about our accessories at - www.yihufish.com